Cancellations and information about the 9th European Convention in Ostrava, Czech Republic

Due to the Corona Virus Pandemic Crisis, the meeting of the NAGWG during the ALA spring Convention in Coral Springs, Florida (June 11.-14.), and the Workshop May in Vienna - European Goodeid Weekend 19 of the EGWG (no date fixed) in Vienna, Austria, had to be cancelled. 

The 9th European Convention from 16.-18.10. 2020: Ostrava, Czech Republic, is still on schedule. Speakers so far confirmed are Isai Bétancourt (Mexico), Erwin Radax (Austria), Markéta Reijlková (Czech Republic) and Alessio Arbuatti (Italy). This Convention will be held together with the Xiphophorus Working Group, that will officially be founded at this weekend.