Livebearer Clubs and Associations that care for Goodeids
American Livebearer Association (US)
Association France Vivipares (FR)
British Livebearer Association (GB)
Chicago Livebearer Society (US)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lebendgebärende Zahnkarpfen (DE)
Klub přátel divokých živorodek (CZ, SK & PL)
Poecilia Nederland (NL)
Poecilia Scandinavia (NO, SE & DK)
VDA-AK Lebendgebärende Aquarienfische (DE)
Goodeids on Facebook
Southern Livebearer Aquatic Club
Freshwater Fish Preservation Aquarist Team
Viviparous: Livebearer Appreciation Group
Conservation of (among others) Goodeids
International Union for Conservation of Nature
Fish & Wildlife Service, Nevada Fish & Wildlife Office
Conabio - Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
C.A.R.E.S Preservation Program
Zoological society for the conservation of species and populations
Other helpful pages
The Freshwater Fishes of Mexico