Conventions and Workshops of the GWG


  Announcements and afterthoughts of the GWG conventions right from the beginning in 2010 up to the last ones. This page presents step by step (as long as the speakers gave the permission and the talk was still available) the given talks as pdfs to give participants the opportunity to refresh their memory and interested persons the possibilty to increase their knowledge about Goodeids by having a brief view on the slides. You can also see the dates of the coming conventions to plan your year. Enjoy the talk-rides! 


Announcements 2024


11th European Convention

11.10.-13.10.2024, Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary

                    Köck, M.: Plan G, a 10 years conservation plan for Goodeids
                    Ramírez-García, A.: Goodeid conservation projects in central Mexico: Teuchitlan, Zacapu and Camécuaro
                    Goodwin, R.: An introduction to the Goodeid EEP
                    Liziczai, M.: Education and conservation: Goodeids’ 11th year in the school
                    Rejlková, M.: 5 different localities of Xiphophorus montezumae
                    Radax, E.: The evolution from Aquarist to Xiphophorist
                    Urbányi, D.: Xiphophorus - the way I do it

2nd International Conference on Conservation of Freshwater Species of Mexico  (follow up event to: 1st International conference about efforts to conserve endemic Freshwater Fishes of Mexico and its rivers)

23.10.- 26.10.224, Guadalajara, Mexico

                           Köck, M.:  Plan G, an action plan for the conservation of Mexico's Goodeid fishes

                           Goodwin, R.: Ex situ conservation of Goodeids

                           Rejlková, M.:  Six years of organized conservation breeding of endangered Xiphophorus species in Europe                                                                              

                           Martinez, J. A.: The Mexican Extinct Fish Room in the Acuario Inbursa                  

                      Beltrán-López, R. G.:  Why are Mexican Freshwater Fish distributed in different bodies of water?

                           Ramírez-García, A.: Evaluation of the fish diversity of the Natural Protected Area "La Laguna de Zacapu", contributionsfor its management plan.

                           Ortega-García, C.: Conservation of the Camécuaro Lake National Park                  

                           Domínguez-Domínguez, O.: Steps to conservation                                    

                           Sandoval-Mendoza, B.: Fish Diversity and Biotical Integrity of the Cuitzamala and Purificación basins

                           Rivas-Gonzales, J. M.: Reintroduction of Ictalurus balsanus                                                                 

                           Hernández, J. A.: Conservation of Ambystoma taylori  

                           Ponce-León, V. T.: Systematization of the environmental education strategy of the Achoque Project on  the shore of Lake Pátzcuaro 

                           Alejo, A. G.: Cultivation of species native to Lake Pátzcuaro with conservation potential

                           Gonzales, A.: Conservation of the San Cristóbal Killifish, Tlaloc hildebrandi, an endangered endemic fish of Los Altos de Chiapas                       

                           Galván-Meza, M. Y.: Conservation of Profundulus adani                              

                           Ortiz-Cruz, V. M.: Wastewater treatment with nature-based solutions for the ecological restoration of a river in Oaxaca and its benefit on native fish populations

                           Betancourt-Resendes, I.: Evolutionary Significant Units (EUS's) in fish conservation                        

                           Mojica-Mejia, H.: Conservation of the TamazulapanTetra, Astyanax salvatoris

                           Álvarez-Noguera, F.: Mexico's freshwater crabs: what are we going to do with them?              

                           Pineda-Velázquez, J. L.: Evaluation of predation of native fishes in the lakes of Zempoala, Central Mexico, by the invasive trout Oncorhynchus mykiss

                           García-Parra, H. R.: Advances in the knowledge of the Lagunas de Zempoala National Park sponge and some considerations for its conservation -

                           Arroyave-Gutiérrez, J. A.: Endemic carps of the Valley of Mexico: are they really extinct?                    

                     26.10.: Presentations at the Guachimontones Interpretative Center       


Announcements 2025


11th American Convention (NAGWG)

probably April 2025, Texas

May in Calgary - Canadian Goodeid Weekend 25, 

30.05.-01.06.2025, Calgary, Canada 

12th European Convention

probably October 2025, Italy


Announcements 2026


3rd International Convention, spring 2026, Rioverde, Mexico

3rd International Conference on Conservation of Freshwater Species of Mexico, fall 2026, Cuernavaca


Announcements 2027


13th American Convention (NAGWG), spring, 2027

13th European Convention, fall 2027, Belgium


Announcements 2028


14th American Convention (NAGWG), spring, 2028

14th European Convention, spring 2028, Scandinavia

4th International Conference on Conservation of Freshwater Species of Mexico, fall 2028, Monterrey


Announcements 2029


15th American Convention (NAGWG), spring, 2029

15th European Convention, fall 2029, Switzerland


Announcements 2030

4th International Convention, spring 2030, Colima, Mexico

5th International Conference on Conservation of Freshwater Species of Mexico, fall 2030, Morelia




1st European Convention (EGWG)

07. - 09.11.2010: Barcelona, Spain

Grioche, Alain: Threatened species: American Cyprinodontiformes

Kenwood, Don: Fish Ark Project - The future

Zapater, Manuel: Aphanius protection - a detailed case study

Webb, Shane: Diversification of the livebearing Mexican Goodeidae: Pattern and process in macroevolution

Chevoleau, Philippe: Sustainable practice in the Aquarium Hobby


2nd European Convention (EGWG)

07. - 09.10.2011: Pont L' Eveque, France

Tobler, Michael: A natural history of the vanishing Mexican desert fishes of the genus Characodon

de Jong, Kees: Goodeids

Köck, Michael: Outdoor Summer Keeping

Domínguez, Omar: History of the Fish Ark project


3rd European Convention (EGWG)

28. - 30.09.2012: Vienna, Austria

Lyons, John: Will Mexican Goodeids survive the 21st century? The alarming decline and precarious future of wild Goodeid populations in Mexico

Piller, Kyle: Phylogeography and population structure of the imperiled Redfin Splitfin, Xenotoca eiseni, implications for conservation

Artigas Azas, Juan Miguel: The easternmost habitats of Goodeids, e. g. the Laguna Media Luna, the Río Panuco and desert habitats of the Relict Splitfin, Xenoophorus captivus.

Goodchild, Shawn: The Goodeids of the United States: The Empetrichthys and Crenichthys.

Corona Santiago, Diushi K'eri: The hard life of the Allotoca and Neeophorus genera: A perspective made from their evolutionary history.


1st American Convention (NAGWG) 

25. - 28.04.2013: part of the ALA spring convention, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Köck, Michael: Raising the veil: Goodeid captive maintenance and conservation at the Haus des Meeres and Europe in general

Köck, Michael: From a need to a structure: The Goodeid Working Group in Europe - origin, organisation, goals and progress


4th European Convention(EGWG)

06. - 08.09.2013: Asperen, Netherlands

Forcier, Richard: Goodeid biotops

Woeltjes, Tonny (Wildekamp, Ruud): Crenichthys and Empetrichthys

Mar Silva, Adan Fernando: Molecular systematics of Xenotoca melanosoma, an endemic species of Central Mexico

Forcier, Richard: A complete review of the Goodeid family from a hobbyist's view


2nd American Convention (NAGWG) 

15. - 18.05.2014: part of the ALA spring convention, St. Louis, Missouri

Lyons, John: NAGWG

Lyons, John: Will Mexican Goodeids survive this century?

Lyons, John: The Goodeid Working Group: An International Captive Breeding and Maintenance Network to conserve Goodeid Fishes


1st International Convention

05. - 07.11.2014: Morelia, Mexico

de Jong, Kees: Breeding Goodeids (in captivity)

Domínguez, Omar: Fish Ark Mexico - Reintroducing Zoogoneticus tequila

del Rocio Pedraza Marrón, Carmen: The loss of Goodeids and other fish populations

Lyons, John: The role of the Goodeid Working Group (GWG) in the captive maintenance of the Goodeid fishes

Valdés Gonzáles, Acadio: Observations on the reproduction and maintenance of Characodon audax and lateralis under conditons of captivity.

Artigas Azas, Juan Miguel: Characodon -  the ancient Goodeids


3rd American Convention (NAGWG)

01. - 03.05.2015: part of the ALA spring convention, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Lyons, John: A Primer on Captive Maintenance Concepts for Goodeid Conservation

Lyons, John: 30 Years of Adventures Collecting Wild Livebearers in Mexico

Lyons, John: Can Mexican Goodeids survive?


5th European Convention (EGWG)

30.10.- 01.11.2015: Lübeck, Germany

Köck, Michael: The Relict Splitfin - History. Life. Distribution

Beltrán Lopez. Rosa Gabriela: Molecular phylogeny of the species of the genus Ilyodon (Goodeidae)

Kunath, Dietmar: Computer Aided Bibliographical Data of Goodeid Fishes

Neal, Chris: Goodeid Preservation - A different way of looking at Goodeid preservation and future plans


4th American Convention (NAGWG)

29.04.-01.05.2016: part of the ALA spring convention, Southbend, Indiana

Lyons, John: Conserving Endangered Mexican Goodeid Livebearers: The Critical Role of the Aquarium Hobbyist

Lyons, John: The Livebearers of Teuchitlán SpringsTru the Ages: A Biological, Cultural, and Recreational History of Ameca splendens, Skiffia francesae, and Zoogoneticus tequila


6th European Convention (EGWG)

29.09. - 01.10.2016: Lisbon, Portugal

Domínguez, Omar: Advances in the Zoogoneticus tequila reintroduction project

Andrade, Miguel: Cool Fish

Costa, Gonçalo: Feeding our fishes: When and how?

Hunter, Nigel: The Quest


5th American Convention (NAGWG)

04. - 07.05.2017: part of the ALA spring convention, St.Louis, Missouri


May in Vienna - European Goodeid Weekend 17 (EGWG)

26.-28.05.2017: Vienna, Austria

Köck, Michael (Presentation and Workshop): Collecting and shipping Goodeids from Mexico to Europe. Procedures - Permits - Problems.


7th European Convention (EGWG)

06.-08.10.2017: Płock, Poland

Poeser, Fred and students: AICS2Rescue, a project to maintain three species of goodeid fishes for educational purposes

Scheiwiller, André: Focus on Goodeids

Köck, Michael: Durango 2015 - Searching for Characodon

Stevens, Shaun: Goodeid Conservation at Tropiquaria Zoo


6th American Convention (NAGWG)

04. - 06.05.2018: part of the ALA spring convention, Grand Rapids, Michigan


June in Oslo - European Goodeid Weekend 18 (EGWG)

15.-17.06.2018: Oklungen, Norway

Koeck, Michael: Let's do a survey trip!

Koeck, Michael: Let's collect some fish!


2nd International Convention

09.-11.11.2018: Guadalajára, Mexico

Piller, Kyle: Diversification of the Goodeids

Santana Castellon, Eduardo: The Museo de Ciencias Ambientales: Developing a new type of natural history museum for the conservation of the freshwater fishes of western Mexico

Valdés Gonzales, Arcadio: Thermal tolerances of the Goodeids

Artigas Azas, Juan Miguel: Conservation of Xenoophorus captivus (Goodeidae)

Hartman, Pat: A personal history of Goodeid captive maintenance in the Midwestern United States

Ramírez García, Arely: Reproductive ecology of native Goodeids and introduced livebearers at the Teuchitlán Springs

Medina Nava, Martina: Citizen participation in the conservation of the fishes of Zacapú Lake, Michoacán

Köck, Michael: Redlisting Goodeids for the IUCN, process and shortcommings

Schleussner, Günther: The 2016 GWG Goodeid survey of the state of Jalisco

Mercado Silva, Norman: The 2016-2017 survey of the livebearers of the state of Morelos

Lyons, John: Conservation status of the native fishes that co-occur with Goodeids in central Mexico

Domínguez-Domínguez, Omar et al.: Zoogoneticus tequila reintroduction project: an international cooperative project


May in Vienna - European Goodeid Weekend 19 (EGWG)

Koeck, Michael: The important work of a (Citizen) Conservationist


7th American Convention (NAGWG)


8th European Convention

15.-17.11.2019: Chester, United Kingdom

Swatman, Andrea et al.: VIE (Visible Implant Elastomer) - Tagging

Stevens, Shaun: Goodeids and me

MacAllister, David: Collecting fish in Mexico and Central America

Koeck, Michael: Darter Goodeids of the genus Allodontichthys

Lyons, John: The first five years of the North American Branch of the GWG: the challenges of building a hobbyist-based Goodeid conservation network


May in Vienna - European Goodeid Weekend 20 (EGWG) - cancelled due to Corona Virus crisis

8th American Convention (NAGWG) - postponed due to Corona Virus crisis

9th European Convention - postponed to 2021 due to Corona Virus crisis


International GooDAY 21

22.05.2021: virtual and international

Michael Köck - Stabilization through fluctuation: a conservation breeding model

Fabien Liberge - Allotoca goslinei, the lost jewel of the Ameca river

Andrew Piorkowski - On the Lookout for Goodeids

David Syzdek -Treasures of the Muddy River: Moapa dace and springfish

Victor Manuel Ortiz Cruz - Let‘s rescue Profundulus oaxacae!

Arely Ramírez García - Native endemic species of a small lake in Central Mexico


9th European Convention (together with the 1st European Convention of the Xiphophorus Working Group)

01.-03.10.2021: Ostrava, Czech Republic

Arbuatti, Alessio: Experiences with ex situ breeding of Zoogoneticus tequila from 2010 to 2020 with focus on observed diseases 

Rejlková, Markéta: The genus Xiphophorus and the path to the Xiphophorus Working Group


8th American Convention (NAGWG)


May in Vienna - European Goodeid Weekend 22 (EGWG, together with the 2nd European Convention of the Xiphophorus Working Group)

27.-29.05.2022: Vienna, Austria

Michael Köck: Brothers of Splitfins - the Profundulus species of Oaxaca

Erwin Radax and Nigel Hunter: Swords of the Zapotecas – Xiphophorus species and associated fish of the Coatzacoalcos river

Márk Liziczai: When Goodeids go to school – about the KLG-Project and the situation of Goodeids in Hungary

Markéta Rejlková: XWG update – results of the 1st European Xipho Survey & news from Mexico

Markéta Rejlková: Natural habitats of northern platyfish – their former (and future?) home 


1st International conference about efforts to conserve endemic Freshwater Fishes of Mexico and its rivers

25.-27.11.2022: Oaxaca de Juárez, Mexico

Michael Köck: Uniting aquarists – examples of international ex situ conservation breeding projects for treathened Mexican Freshwater Fishes

Omar Domínguez Domínguez: Returning lost treasures - The successful reintroduction of gone Mexican Freshwater Fishes

Emilio Martínez Ramírez: Gems of our neighbourhood – The fish species of the Atoyac river

Ernesto Velázquez Velázquez: Unknown Escamudos – the fish family Profundulidae

Víctor Manuel Ortíz Cruz and Reymundo Morales Reyes: An in situ conservation project for Profundulus oaxacae

t.b.a.: Having a mission – conservation of threatened Mexican Freshwater Fishes in European zoos

Nigel Hunter and Erwin Radax: The Xiphophorus species of Oaxaca and their habitats

Gloria Molina Gaytán: Preliminary results of the analysis of aquatic macroinvertebrates in the determination of the water quality of the Atoyac river

Eloy Leyva: Small underground and surface dams for the rehabilitation of rivers and streams

Ignacio Daniel González Mora: Life in the rivers, what teaching does it provide us

Emmanuel Ramírez: Actions for the Atoyac River: Problems and Solutions


9th American Convention (NAGWG)


10th European Convention 

02.-04.06.2023, Maribor, Slovenija       

       Yoğurtçuoğlu, Baran: Freshwater fishes and habitats in peril: Insights from Western Asia

       Marčić, Zoran: Management and conservation action plans for the strictly protected Leuciscid species Telestes

       polylepis and karsticus

       Radax, Erwin: The Xiphophorus species of the Coatzacoalcos river drainage

       Kölzer, Rafael: Experiences of keeping Goodeids in Portugal - from a Rookie's point of view

       De Graaf, Arjan: Successful breeding of liveberarers in a low-tech environment

       Friedrich, Torsten & Vrbančič, Jože: The Allotoca - Mesa Central project: development and challenges

       Domínguez Domínguez, Omar: Reintroduction of Zoogeneticus tequila and Skiffia francesae


September in Leipzig  - European Goodeid Weekend 23 (together with the 3nd European Convention of the Xiphophorus Working Group and the VDA-AKLAF)

29.09-01.10.2023, Leipzig, Germany

        Köck, Michael: Working for conservation of Mexican Goodeids - my first four months in Morelia

        Haus, Cedric et al.: Care and breeding of Allodontichthys polylepis as a school project - a field report

        Juárez Orozco, Diana Itzel: UANL and its potential contribution to the Xiphophorus conservation

        Díaz García, Diana Gabriela: Northern Platyfish biotopes in 2023

        Rejlková, Markéta: XNP, XWG, IUCN, EEP, EUAC, UANL... and the grey little fish and you

        Tveteraas, Andreas: Northern Platyfish, a historical report


10th American Convention (NAGWG)

16.05.-20.05.2024, part of the ALA spring convention, Tampa, Florida