1st International conference about efforts to conserve endemic Freshwater Fishes of Mexico and its rivers

  This will not be a "typical" GWG meeting, the purpose of this event is different: We want to show the Mexican people how much we care about their fish and habitats, not restricting our efforts to Goodeids, but extending them to other groups of Mexican fish, river restoration and workshops to help local communities to deal with problems related to rivers. 


  1st International conference about efforts to conserve endemic Freshwater Fishes of Mexico and its rivers

  November 25.-27., Oaxaca de Juárez 

  Organized by the Goodeid and Xiphophorus Working Groups, the municipality of Oaxaca de Juárez, the Comisión de cuenca de los ríos Atoyac y Salado and the Iniciativa Rescatando a Profunduus oaxacae


Preliminary programme:

Friday, 25.11. (Presentations):

09:00 – 09:30: Opening speeches at the Esplanada de Candiani

09:30 – 10:00: Tour through the exhibition of municipial projects

10:00 – 10:15: Visit of biotope aquariums of Profundulus oaxacae and Notropis imeldae

10:15: Entering the venue, the Casa de la Tierra

10:30 – 11:00: Mag. Michael Köck, GWG: Uniting aquarists and zoos – examples of international ex situ conservation breeding projects for threatened Mexican Freshwater Fishes

11:05 – 11:35: Dr. Omar Domínguez Domínguez, UMSNH: Returning lost treasures - The successful reintroduction of gone Mexican Freshwater Fishes

11:40 – 12:10: Dr. Emilio Martínez Ramírez, CIIDIR OAXACA: Gems of our neighbourhood – The fish species of the Atoyac river

12:10 – 12:25: Break

12:30 – 13:00: Dr. Ernesto Velázquez Velázquez, UNICACH: Unknown Escamudos – the fish family Profundulidae

13:05 – 13:35: Biól. Víctor Manuel Ortíz Cruz and Reymundo Morales Reyes, Presidente del Comisariado Ejidal de Jalapa del Valle: An in situ conservation project for Profundulus oaxacae

13:40 – 14:10: Biól. Omar Eduardo Rocha Gutiérrez, SEMARNAT: Efforts of SEMARNAT in the conservation of habitats of fish in danger of extinction

14:10 – 14:55: Lunch break

15:00 – 15:30: Visiting the exhibition of student posters outside of the Casa de la Tierra

15:35 – 16:05: Acuaristos Nigel Hunter and Erwin Radax, XWG: The Xiphophorus species of Oaxaca and their habitats.

16:10 – 16:40: Dra. Gloria Molina Gaytán, UABJO: Preliminary results of the analysis of aquatic macroinvertebrates in the determination of the water quality of the Atoyac river 

16:40 – 16:55: Break

17:00 – 17:30: Ing. Eloy Leyva, UMEYP: Small underground and surface dams for the rehabilitation of rivers and streams

17:35 – 18:05: Biól. Ignacio Daniel Gonzáles Mora, WWF-Mexico: Life in the rivers, what teaching does it provide for us

18:10 – 18:40: M. C. Emmanuel Ramírez, CCRAYS: Actions for the Atoyac river: Problems and Solutions

18:45 – 19:00: Notes for the next day and Good night words

19:00: End of day 1


Saturday, 26.11. (Presentations):

09:25 – 09:55: Dr. Wilfredo Antonio Matamoros Ortega, UNICACH: Biogeographic patterns and evolution of North American Killifishes of the super family Funduloidea

10:00 – 10:30: M. C. Paola Montserrat Mendez Arzate: Temperature and habitat effects on Girardinichthys multiradiatus metabolism and tolerance at high altitude

10:35 – 11:05: Dr. David Tafolla Venegas, UMSNH: The role of parasites in fish conservation

11:05 – 11:20: Break

11:25 – 12:55: Dr. Rubén Alonso Contreras Tapia, UAM: Cichlid conservation through understanding larval feeding biology and development

12:00 – 12:30: Acuarista Claudia Martínez: How aquarism helps to mold new generations of conservationists

12:35 – 13:05: Dra. Mari Carmen Uribe Aranzábal, UNAM: Characteristics of the reproductive systems of teleosts

13:05 – 13:20: Break

13:25 – 13:55: Dr. Isaí Betancourt Resendes, CONACYT-UAQ: Silversides in peril - threatened Chirostoma species of Mexico

14:40 – 14:30: Dr. Adán Fernando Mar Silva, UNAM: Could mitogenomic data improve the conservation strategies in cave fishes? Two Mexican species cases, Ophisternon infernale and Typhliasina persei.

14:30 – 15:00: Lunch Break

15:00 – 15:30: Dr. Federico Hernández Valencia, UMSNH: Participation of communities in programmes to conserve aquatic biodiversity.

15:35 – 16:05: Dr. Omar Domínguez Domínguez, UMSNH: Proyecto Achoque – conservation efforts for Ambystoma dumerilii, an endemic neotenic newt species from the Pátzcuaro lake

16:10 – 16:40: Dr. Jairo Arroyave, UNAM: Microendemism and the need for conservation: the case of Mexican troglobitic Rhamdia

16:40 – 16:55: Break

17:00 – 17:30: Curador David Suryanto Kasih, Berliner Gesellschaft für Großaquarien: 1.000 species, a generational bridge

17:35 – 17:55: M. C. Ivette Marai Villa Villaseor, UMSNH: Toxic effect of nitrate on fish species endemic to central Mexico

18:00 – 18:30: M. C. Luis Martin Mar Silva, UMSNH: Evaluation of the establishment capacity of Zoogoneticus tequila (Webb & Miller, 1998) born ex situ to closed populations in situ

18:30 – 18:45: Break

18:45 – 19:00: Notes for the next day and Good night words

19:00: End of day 2


Saturday, 26.11. (Workshops):

09:00 – 09:15: Presentation of the Workshops at the Esplanada de Candiani

09:15 - 10:00: Workshop 1: Separation of domestic waste at home – COAO

10:10 - 11:50: Workshop 2: Generation of domestic compost – Municipio de Oaxaca de Juárez

12:00 – 12:45: Workshop 3: Techniques for correct reforestation – Certified Arborists

12:45 – 13:00: Break

13:00 – 14:30: Workshop 4: Macroinvertebrates as bioindicators - Dra. Gloria Molina Gaytán

14:30 – 15:00: Lunch break

15:00 – 16:15: Workshop 5: Domestic wastewater treatment - Biól. José Rodriguez Saenz

16:15 – 17:15: Workshop 6: The dry toilet, an ecologic alternative – t.b.a.

17:15 – 18:30: Workshop 7: Rainwater harvesting – INSO

18:30 – 18:45: Break

18:45 – 19:00: notes for the next day and Good night words in the Casa de la Tierra

19:00: End of day 2


Sunday, 27.11. (Visiting habitats):

07:00:  Departure to Jalapa del Valle.

08:00: Arrival at Jalapa del Valle and welcome words

09:00 – 10:00: Common breakfast

10:00 – 10:20: transfer to the site of the in situ project for Profundulus oaxacae

10:20 – 12:00: Project site tour

12:00 – 12:20: Return to Jalapa del Valle

12:30 – 13:30: transfer to Oaxaca de Juárez

14:00 –15:00: Lunch at San Felipe del Agua (everyone pays according to consumption).

15:00 – 16:30 Río San Felipe Tour, to the only known habitats of Notropis imeldae.

16:30:  Farewell words

17:00: End of event