Finally - 9th European Convention of the Goodeid Working Group in Ostrava

  Times are still difficult this year, but despite of maybe upcoming Covid restrictions in Europe, we decided finally to conduct the 9th European Convention of the Goodeid Working Group, but differently and on a much smaller scale. However, it is limited to a maximum of 40 participants and we will inform those who declared their wish to participate until the 13th of September (that’s the deadline for your participation declaration!) with actual Covid measures in the Czech Republic and on the venue, and about the meeting schedule in detail.
Dates: 01.-03.10.2021
Venue: Ostrava Zoo, Czech Republic
Additionally: this convention will be the official birthday of the Xiphophorus Working Group, run by Markéta Rejlková. Looking forward to this event!
Friday, October 1st
19:00 Common dinner – locality depending on number of participants
Saturday, October 2nd
10:00 Opening talk: "Experiences with ex situ breeding of Zoogoneticus tequila from 2010 to 2020 with focus on observed diseases" by Alessio Arbuatti, veterinarian and adjunct professor of zoology and ecology at the university of Teramo, Italy. 
11:00 break with birthday cake for the XWG
11:30 Founder talk of the Xiphophorus Working Group: "The genus Xiphophorus and the path to the Xiphophorus Working Group" by Markéta Rejlková, curator of lower vertebrates and invertebrates at Ostrava Zoo, Czech Republic,.
12:30 lunch at Ostrava Zoo
14:00 start in the afternoon session with discussions about the XWG and GWG: Strategies and ideas for the coming years, afterwards fish exchange at the venue,
19:00 dinner at town 
Sunday, October 3rd
Zoo tour (Time needs to be fixed), afterwards lunch and end of the convention
Dinners on Friday and Saturday on everyone's costs, lunch and refreshments on Saturday and Sunday in the zoo and zoo tour on Sunday for free
Your declaration to participate, please send to me as a personal message. Those who have sent me the declaration will get a list of hotels.