- The Global GooDAY 21
- Cancellation of the 9th European Convention in Ostrava
- Cancellations and information about the 9th European Convention in Ostrava, Czech Republic
- Announcement of the VIII. European Convention of the GWG in Chester, UK
- Latest Update on the GWG Convention in Guadalajara!
- Announcement of the II. International Convention of the Goodeid Working Group under the title: "Conservation of Goodeids and Co-Occurring Fishes in Central Mexico"
- Announcement: June in Oslo - Goodeid Weekend 18
- VII. International Convention of the Goodeid Working Group
- Program for the VII. European Convention of the Goodeid Working Group in PŁock, Poland
- "Xenotoca" eiseni and melanosoma complexes updated!
- Relaunch of the "About the Species" - Pages
- 1st European GWG Workshop in Vienna, 27th of May, 2017
- Go Fund Me page for Kyle Piller
- VI. International Convention of the Goodeid Working Group
- GWG survey trip to Jalisco, March 2016
- ATTENTION: Changed date of the GWG convention!!!
- Simply news...
- GWG meeting in Morelia in 2 weeks!!!!!!
- Final details to the GWG meeting in Morelia!
- Attention - NEWS concerning the GWG-conventions 2014!!
- 50 tons of dead Goodeids...
- School-project and scientific project
- About the Database
- Member-locations
- Attention: Donation button
- New Coordinators and more
- 4th International Meeting - 1st European Meeting
- A short summary of the meeting in Vienna
- The rarest fish in the world
- Accomodations
- Back again...
- We need your help!
- Bad year for Goodeids
- yahoo.com and so on...
- Xenoophorus in trouble!
- Reintroduction projects for Goodeids
- Summary of the 2nd International Meeting
- About Fish Ark
- Cooperation with the Fish Ark Mexico
- 1. International Meeting
- ABOUT PROFUNDULIDS (in development)
- PROFUNDULID SPECIES (in development)
50 tons of dead Goodeids...
The beginning of September shocked the world with an ecological desaster in the Lago Cajitlán between Guadalajara and the Lago de Chapale. By non - certain circumstances, but probably by not legal disposed sewage sludge of a nearby purificacion plant, about 50 tons of endemic fish died, the biggest part of it had been Goodea atripinnis. Details can be read and shocking photos be seen here: http://derstandard.at/2000005013165/Raetselhaftes-Fischsterben-in-mexikanischem-See
It's almost high noon in central Mexico, fish are disappearing rapidly, not only Goodeids. In a few years it may be that we have lost about 50% of species there. One of the worlds biggest hotspots of evolution may be gone within the next decade....unnoticed, because no pandas are living there, no Orangs and no tigers... in a time, when big NGO's are being flooded with millions of Euros and Dollars to save their key-species, many other species, some of time even more threathened are allowed to dy out because nobody knows them, and because they bring no money, simply said. Organisations like the ZGAP or the GWG are fighting for those "grey" species, and being in the front row, I know how difficult it is for us to get a 15.000 Euros per year over 5 years for the repatration and salvation of a single fish, eben when it is beautiful like Zoogoneticus tequila... may it be that everything is too late already? That we are hunting after dreams and ghosts, without having real hope to change our minds, and our future? I still can't believe it and I won't give in. The GWG won't give in, and hopefully, when we have many travelling knights like the GWG-members on this planet, we may change the course of this sinking ship!